Air Signz

Air signs are the most flexible of all the elements. The air element is composed of three air signs: Aquarians, Geminis, and Libras. They are intelligent thinkers, creative communicators, and friendly socializers. These signs use their intellect and excellent communication skills which allow them to get along with almost everyone.


Interview Question1

What does your sign mean to you?

To A, being an air sign means that she can express her personality through her clothes.

Interview Question 2

What fashion style matches your element?

The fashion style that best matches her element is the 2000s aesthetic.



Spring is perfect for growing and healing. Partake in things that you enjoy doing and put some time aside to do things that make you happy. Remember that healing isn’t linear and there’ll be many ups and downs throughout your journey. Prioritize yourself and focus on becoming the best version of yourself possible.

Air poem

An Air sign is inventive, perceptive and clever
Utilizing your intellect in all you endeavor
You are lofty in thought, logical or abstract
And always seek balance from those you most likely attract
Like the air, you can be light, warm and flowing
But when prompted, you are like fierce winds blowing
You love with your heart and your mind
To those that you know, you are tender and kind.